Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025 | Eligibility | Estimate Cost & Application Process

Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025: The Government of Meghalaya is inviting Meghalayan’s to start a new business in Cinema Theatre sector. People who want to start a new startup in Meghalaya can invest in the cinema theatre under the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025. The Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme program is sponsored by the Government of Meghalaya under CM ELEVATE program. Under the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme, total 20 cinema theatres in the state will be opened by entrepreneurs and government with support with financial assistance to open a theatre.

You only need to pay 5% of the investment and other payment will be made by the government and banks. So if you are interested and looking the detailed information of the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme Program then you can check this article where we will share with you comprehensive over you including the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme eligibility criteria, application procedure, financial assistance under the program, list of the beneficiaries, how to earn revenue from cinema theatre scheme in Meghalaya etc.

Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025

Promotion and Incubation of Market Driven Enterprises (PRIME) is Managing the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme in the state under the guidelines of the government of Meghalaya. The Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme was started to promote culture value of the state as well as increasing the job opportunity in the state. It is observing that, theatres in the state are losing interest among Meghalaya people.

However theatre play a vital role to promote the cultural value of the state through entertainment. So the program is inviting eligible individuals who have an entrepreneur mind set to start total 20 theatres in the state.

However the cost of building a cinema theatre is too high but the government will help individuals with financial assistance and allow Banks to offer low interest loans with long tenure. So by paying only 5% of the total expenditure, You can start a new Business in the state.

Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme Eligibility

The eligibility criteria for the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme program is explained on the official website PRIME where you can check the following before applying for the program:

  • Only permanent residents of Meghalaya eligible to apply for the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025 . So you need to showcase the valid id card in the state to approve your Residency for many years.
  • Availability of the land: Individuals are required to provide either ownership of the land or the approval to use the land from the land owner on lease. If you have your own land then you can easily apply for the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Program 2025 but if you are applying with a land on lease then you need to Collect all the legal documents including rent agreement to apply for the program.
  • As it is the entrepreneurship program in the state so individual will need to provide details of their Savings and investment to show that they are able to invest a portion of the amount to build a cinema theatre in the location.
  • Since it is the government is sponsored program and government is also investing in the program for each applicant, so you need to ensure that you will use the cinema theatre to promote local cultural and also recruit local resident of Meghalaya as an employee in the cinema theatre. So it will fulfill the employment purpose of the Government and will also help provide financial support to the individual to start a new business.
  • If you have experience in the cinema theatre business then it will a plus point for you as it will increase the chances of approval of your Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025 application because government will wish to invest to an entrepreneur who have good experience and ability to manage a theatre.
  • The program is also following one member one beneficiary scheme, so only one member of the family is eligible to apply for the benefits of Meghalaya cinema theatre scheme.
  • Since the program is prepared for entrepreneurs, so already engaged contractors with government or class 1 contractors will not get the benefit of the program.
  • It is also important not to have a link with political representatives in government including MLA, MP, pressure groups etc.

Total estimate of the project

If you are wishing to start cinema theatre in the state under the Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Program then it is required to have a complete estimate to showcase the government so they will compare other proposals and will select applicants according to their total estimates. Currently there are two types of cinema theatres proposed in the program including 100 seater and 200 seat capacity cinema halls

If you want to start a cinema hall with the capacity of 100 seats then you can create a budget of maximum 1.5 crore rupees. However if you want to increase seats in cinema hall for up to 200 seats then estimate can be prepared for 3 crore rupees maximum.

Under the estimate you need to explain all the expenses in details through multiple tables and sections to demonstrate how much you manage the amount to start a new cinema theatre. You can check the following example of the estimate.

Floor Space4,000.00
total construction cost1,20,00,000.00
total seating cost8,00,000.00
Projector Christie solaria50,00,000.00
Dolby Surround 7.110,00,000.00
Heating and Ventilation20,00,000.00
acoustic walls5,00,000.00
projection room5,00,000.00
concession stands5,00,000.00
ticketing system3,00,000.00

Division of financial burden on government and Bank 

However the amount of 1.5 crore rupees and 3 crore Rupees are too much high, but you can divide this financial burden in two three sections including the amount which you have to invest completely, secondly the amount which will be paid while the government and lastly the amount which will be paid by the bank and will collect it from the applicant through monthly EMIs.

Investment from the government 

Government will invest total 35% of the cost to the bank to implement the Meghalaya cinema theatre scheme program. However the amount is Divided into two sectors including 25% investment directly from the government and 10% investment for backend support to the investor.

If you are starting 100 seat cinema hall then you are eligible to get a maximum 25% financial assistance from the government but it should be under the limits of 37.5 lakh. Apart from this you can also get 10% additional benefits for backend support where you will get a maximum amount of 12.5 lakh rupees. So together you are able to get a maximum support of Rs 50 lakh from the government according to the estimate for 100 seat cinema hall.

The same pattern will be followed for those who are investing the payment for 200 seat cinema theatre in Meghalaya under the program where they are able to get 25% of the court which should not be more than 70 lakh rupees. They will able to get 10% of the cost for backend support under the limits of 25 lakh rupees. So if your budget is 3 crore rupees to start the cinema theatre in Meghalaya then you can manage approximately 9500000 from the government to start your business.

How much you need to invest? 

As per the program, The applicant is required to invest 5% of the total estimate amount from themselves at the time of starting the construction. So you will get 35% assistant from the government and 5% will be managed by the applicant. The rest of the 60% amount can be borrowed by the individual from the SBI bank which is participating in the program.

The bank will create EMIs for a maximum of 15 years. The monthly EMI will start after 18 months of getting the loan. So it will help the applicant to start the business and use the revenue to repay the amount to the bank without additional burden. 

However the government is investing 35% of the amount in the program but will not provide such payment directly to the entrepreneur and will pay the loan amount from the government fund. For example, if you are getting a loan of 95% of the amount then government will pay 35% of the loan amount from their fund and rest of the 60% amount should be paid by the applicant.

How to Apply for Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025?

The application form will be submitted through online mode Where they need to follow the following steps after creating the login ID on the dashboard:

  • Summary of the project: You need to create the summary of the project in maximum two pages where you need to explain the location and Idea of the theatre.
  • The profile of the applicant : You need to create your profile with previous expense and educational details where you can mention the specific certifications in the cinema theatre development field which will help to select your profile for the program.
  • Facilities in the cinema theatre: Now you need to create a detailed list of the facilities which will be offered in the cinema hall including total seat, availability of the parking, refreshments, ticket facilities, entry and exit gate details etc.
  • Now you need to explain the expenditure to start a new theatre in the location under meghalaya cinema theatre scheme which will include all the activities and investment which you made to install these features in your cinema hall
  • While preparing the activities and estimate of the project you also need to explain the Timeline to complete all the activities so it will showcase the accountability help the government how much time will you take to start the cinema hall under the program.

Apart from this you can also include additional documents showing your specification and belongingness to the Meghalaya culture so it will help you to get benefit of the program instantly. Application form is submitting on Where you need to create your registration and after that can follow all the above steps to complete your application.

Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025
Meghalaya Cinema Theatre Scheme 2025 | Eligibility | Estimate Cost & Application Process 4

Once your proposal get approved, you need to attach your all your documents in a PDF and send it to the department on this email:  


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